Apr 18, 2018
Apr 20, 2017
Dec 13, 2016
Dec 13, 2015
Jan 31, 2013
Chief Executive Officer
Law Degree from the University of Salamanca, AMP from Harvard University, and PADE and PDD from IESE.
1997 – 2000. PRISA GROUP. Director of the Tax Department
2000-2004- PRISA GROUP. Chief Financial Officer
2004- 2009: PRISA.com. Chief Executive Officer
2009: SOGECABLE. Chief Operating Officer
December 2009 – 2014: CANAL+. General Manager
2014-2017: EL PAÍS and PRISA NOTICIAS. Chief Executive Officer
2017-2021: GRUPO PRISA. Chief Executive Officer
March – July 2021: SANTILLANA. Executive Chairman
2022-2024: DENTSU. Senior Advisor
2024: VOCENTO. Chief Executive Officer
Licenciada en Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales por la Universudad Comercial de Deusto.
En la actualidad es consejera independiente de OpenBank, S.A. y Presidenta de su Comisión de supervisión de Riesgos, Regulación y Cumplimiento, consejera independiente de Santander Consumer Finance, S.A. y Presidenta de su Comisión de supervisión de Riesgos, Regulación y Cumplimiento y consejera independiente de Open Digital Services, S.A.
Inició su carrera profesional en Arthur Andersen en 1981 hasta 1997, siendo nombrada socia de auditoría en 1994.
Entre 1997 y 2016 desarrolló su carrera profesional en el Grupo Santander siendo Directora General Adjunta del Grupo. Durante esos años ocupó diferentes funciones en el área financiera de Santander Investment, Directora adjunta de la División de Auditoría Interna del Grupo, Directora de Tecnología y Operaciones de Tesorería, Banca Mayorista Global, Banca Privada, Gestión de Activos y Seguros, Directora de Operaciones del Grupo.
Ha sido miembro de varios Consejos de Administración, entre otros, de ABN Amro entre noviembre de 2007 y julio de 2008, de Bankia Gestión de Fondos de Inversión desde octubre de 2016 a junio de 2019 y Presidenta de su Comisión de Auditoría, de Unicorp Vida, compañía de Seguros y Reaseguros, S.A. desde diciembre de 2016 a septiembre de 2019 y Presidenta de su Comisión de Auditoría y de Duro Felguera, S.A. desde agosto de 2018 a septiembre de 2019 y Presidenta de su Comisión de Auditoría.
Categoría: Independiente
Degree in Economic Sciences from the Autonomous University of Madrid. She began her professional career as a financial analyst at Midland Bank, plc. She subsequently developed her professional career in various companies and positions; at Banco Central, S.A., as Account Executive at the New York branch, as risk manager of the International Division in Madrid and as Deputy Director of Banco Hispanoamericano de Investimento, in Lisbon; in the Spanish Press group in the Financial Department, as Deputy Director of Management Control, as Director of Quality, as Director of Advertising Management and as Deputy General Director to the President; and finally in Vocento, where she has held positions such as President of ABC Sevilla, S.L., Vice President of ABC, S.L. and natural person representative of Valjarafe, S.L. on the Board of Directors of the Group's parent company.
Date and place of birth: 20 April 1954, Guecho Vizcaya
Education: Degree in Business and Economics, Universidad del País Vasco.
– 1978 to 1983 Deputy to the Director General of Planning, Sener Ingeniería y Sistema, Bilbao
– 1983 to 1989 Partner at ASFIN Financial Advisers, Madrid
– 1989 to 1995 Founding partner and CEO, COFIBER financial institution. From 1995 to 2007 Executive Chairman
– 1995 to 2007 Chief Financial Officer, GRUPO BERGE
– 1999 to 2007 Chairman, Bodegas Castillo de Cuzcurrita S.L.
– 2004 to 2006 Chairman, ISOFOTON S.A
– VOCENTO. Member of the Board of Directors, member of the Strategy Committee and Appointments and Remuneration Committee
– Chairman, ONCHENA S.L
– Chairman and founding partner, ALWAYS Sports Management.
– Vice President of the ADEY Foundation
– Member of the Board of Directors of Laboratorio Reig Jofre, S.A.
– Member of the Board of Directors of GAEA Inversión S.C.R., S.A.
Graduate in economics and business from the Universidad de Bilbao
1979-1980: Assistant in the office of the Commercial Secretary of the Spanish Embassy in Brussels
1980-1981: Statistics Office of the European Economic Community (Brussels)
1981-1988: Deputy Treasurer at General Motors Madrid and New York
1988-1990: Financial Director at Alico Crédito mortgage lender
1990-1993: CEO of Finanzas FG, Rep FG Inversiones Bursátiles S.A, S.V.B (with Consulnor S.A. as a shareholder)
1993-2017: Chairman and CEO of Consulnor S.A. Also held these positions at subsidiaries including Consulnor Servicios Financieros, S.V., S.A.U, Consulnor Gestión SGIIC, S.A., Galeainvest A.V.B (with Merrill Lynch as shareholder) and Consulnor Patrimonio Inmobiliario SPE, S.A. and other subsidiaries
2013-2018: Director of Banca March and Member of the Credit Risks Committee
Other Positions
Director of newspaper Diario “El Correo” S.A. (Grupo Vocento), (Grupo Vocento)
Advisory Council for Banca March in the Basque Country
Member of the Círculo de Empresarios Vascos
Member of the Strategy Committee and Editorial Board of Vocento
Member of the Vocento Foundation
Director General of Luxury, Lifestyle and Magazines Area
Graduate in Law, MBA from IE Business School in 2001, Digital Business Executive
Program (DIBEX) from ISDI in 2019, and Leadership Development Program (PDL) from Universidad Francisco de Vitoria in 2021.
1998: CARREFOUR, Business Expansion Manager
2000: DANISCO SWEETENERS (UK), Marketing Department
2001: L’OREAL, Product Manager FMCG Division
2004: GRUPO RECOLETOS, Head of Marketing, Women’s Area (TELVA) and Magazines.
2007: UNIDAD EDITORIAL, Director of Marketing Magazines and Supplements.
2015: UNIDAD EDITORIAL, Business Director of the Luxury and Lifestyle Area.
and leads BeStory, a business unit that offers social media storytelling solutions for brands.
2022: VOCENTO, General Manager of the Luxury, Lifestyle and Magazines Area.
Director General of Communication and Institutional Relations
Graduate in Law from the Complutense University of Madrid
Executive Education PDG by the IESE Business School – University of Navarra
2004: GMR MARKETING, Account Executive
2006: STEINBERG Y ASOCIADOS S.L., Account Manager
2008: FOCUS EDICIONES, Head of Editorial Marketing and Communication
2011: UNIDAD EDITORIAL, Orbyt Marketing Manager
2012: ABC, Business Director at Kiosko y Más
2015: ABC, Director of Communications and Institutional Relations
2016: VOCENTO, Director of Communication, Sustainability and Marketing
2022: VOCENTO, General Manager of Communication and Institutional Relations
Chief Digital Officer
1993 – 1995 CDC Promociones y Consulting s.l., Sales Director.
1995 –1998 Motorpress Ibérica s.a., Director of Promotions.
1998 – 2002 Motorpress Ibérica s.a., CEO of publications in Latin America (Brazil, Mexico and Argentina). Buenos Aires (Argentina).
2002 – 2009 Grupo G+J , General Director of Sales.
2009 – 2015 Fanscup.com, Motofan.com, Auto10.com and Mundoanimalia.com at Grupo Intercom, Entrepreneur.
2015 – 2017 Unidad Editorial. Director of Strategy and Commercial Development.
2017 – 2019 CMVocento Director of Strategy and Commercial Management.
2019 VOCENTO. Chief Digital Officer
Editorial Director General
Graduate in Journalism , Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca
Master in Multimedia Journalism El Correo-UPV
Sept 2018: Editorial Director of Regional Media and Magazines at Vocento
Jan-2018: Editorial Subdirector of Regional Media and Magazines at Vocento
2015 –act: Teacher of Digital Project at Master de Periodismo ABC-UCM
2013-2017: Head of Editorial Innovation and Develpoment of Regional Media and Magazines at Vocento
2011-2013: Senior Editor of the News Agency Colpisa
2008-2011- Editor in Chief of Internet Central Newsroom
2020: VOCENTO, Editorial Director General
Director General de Vocento Gastronomía
Graduate in journalism, Universidad del País Vasco
Master’s in Journalism. El Correo-Universidad del País Vasco
1988–1989 Journalist at Radio Pública Vasca, Euskadi Irraitia.
1990-1995 Editor-Director of Enkartberriak newspapers.
1991-1992 Editor at El Mundo, Basque Country edition.
1992-1998 Editor, El Diario Vasco de San Sebastián.
1998-2000 Director of Communications, Universidad del País Vasco.
2000-2002 El Correo. Content co-ordinator for Grupo Correo.
2002-2004 Vice director of El Comercio.
22004-2007 Deputy director of El Comercio.
2007-2010 Director of Innovation and Editorial Development, Vocento.
2018: VOCENTO, Director General de Vocento Gastronomía.
Editorial Director of Sport Press
Graduate in Information Sciences, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
1987-1998 Director La Crónica de León.
1998-2009 Director of El Mundo in Castilla y León.
2009-2011 Director General at Radio Televisión de Castilla y León –RTVCyL-.
2011-2016 Director at Marca.
2016- Director General of Communications and Institutional Relations at Vocento.
2022: VOCENTO, Editorial Director of Sport Press
Director General of Operations
Higher technician in graphic arts (Editorial Production) I.A.G Tajamar.
Master’s in Graphic Processes. I.A.G
Master’s in Sales and Marketing. I.A.G
Continuous improvement modules BEKAER CONSULTING
1989 – 1990: Grupo Prisa – Print technicians.
1990 – 2011: Grupo Unidad editorial – Director of Production.
2011: Grupo VOCENTO – Director General of Operations.
Director General of El Correo, El Diario Vasco and Regional Press
Graduate in Economics and Business, Universidad Comercial de Deusto – 1993
1993 – Universidad Comercial: Professor of Financial Accounting and Corporations.
1994 – Accenture: Manager of Financial Services.
2000 – Grupo Correo: Deputy General Director of Regional Media.
2006 – El Correo: Director General.
2011 – Vocento: Director General of Regional Media, North Zone.
2021: VOCENTO, Director General of El Correo, El Diario Vasco and Regional Press
Directora General of ABC
Graduate in Economics and Business, Universidad San Pablo-CEU.
1998 AC NIELSEN: Account director for L’Oréal mass market and luxury products.
2003 LOGINTEGRAL (Grupo Unidad Editorial): Head of Services, sales information.
2007 UNIDAD EDITORIAL: Director of Information, Subscriptions and Special Sales at El Mundo, Marca, Expansión and Telva.
2009 UNIDAD EDITORIAL: Managing Director El Mundo and Business Director Orbyt.
2011 VOCENTO: Director General of ABC
Director General of Publishing
Graduate in Law and Business Management, Universidad CEU Luis Vives.
Master’s in HR and Organisation from ESIC.
PDD from IE (Instituto de Empresa).
1996 FREMAP: Manager.
2002 UNIÓN FENOSA: Responsible for HR.
2011 VOCENTO: Director General of HR and Organisation.
2020: VOCENTO, Director General of Publishing
Deputy Chief Executive Office
Graduate in Economics and Business, Universidad Comercial de Deusto.
1983: KPMG Peat MarwicK: Auditor and management consultant.
1990: EDIVASA, publisher of El Mundo in País Vasco: Managing
1994: EL CORREO: Director General
2002: VOCENTO: Deputy Director General.
2004: VOCENTO: Director General of Print Media.
2011: VOCENTO: Director General of Business.
2021: VOCENTO: Deputy Chief Executive Office
Graduated in Law from the University of Navarra, he is President of the Vocento Foundation and a member of the Board of Directors of Vocento, S.A. He currently chairs El Correo Español de Bilbao. He has been president of Vocento, S.A. He also accredits an extensive curriculum that includes Information Sciences and the “master of science” at the Graduate School of Journalism at Columbia University, in New York, being the second Spanish to obtain this title. His dedication to journalism goes through his work as a correspondent for the Colpisa agency, directed by Manu Leguineche, first in London, and later in the United States. Subsequently, he was in charge of the culture department of the newspaper El Correo, and continued his work as a special envoy abroad.
Since the origin of Vocento in 2001, Mr. Enrique de Ybarra Ybarra has taken up positions of responsibility. He is currently president of the Editorial Board of Vocento and director, among others, of ABC, El Diario Vasco and ElDiario Montañés. He also maintains an intense cultural activity and a determined commitment to formation and solidarity causes. He is president, among other positions, of the BMW Painting Prize Jury, patron of the Fundación Ayuda contra la Drogadicción (FAD) and the Fundación UniversidadAntonio de Nebrija and member of the Board of Trustees of the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao. Vice-president of the Fundación de Minores Colegio Santa Rita of Carabanchel. He has been vice president of the Spanish Association of Foundations, and he is the author of the book “El Correo Español, unperiódico institution” and has published numerous articles.
Other positions
Director of Brunara Sicav
Director General of Human Resources and Organisation
Graduate in Advanced Industrial Engineering, specialising in industrial organisation, of the Universidad de Vigo
2005 -2007: BEARINGPOINT, Process consultant.
2007 – 2009: VOCENTO, Manager of sales procedures and business intelligence.
2010 – 2013: VOCENTO, Manager of Organisation.
2013 – 2015: VOCENTO, Director of Organisation.
2015 – 2020: VOCENTO, Director of Organisation, Remuneration and HSE.
2020 – : VOCENTO, Director General of HR and Organisation
Director General of Magazines
Graduate in Communications from the Universidad de Navarra, recipient of the 1996 national graduate award for best academic record from the Ministry of Education
1999: CITY COUNCIL OF VITORIA, Head of Press, office of the Mayor
2012 – 2016: COMUNIDAD DE MADRID, Director General for Women
2016 – 2019: TESA, Director of Institutional Relations and Corporate Projects
2019 – : WOMENNOW SUMMIT, Director and developer
2019 – : VOCENTO, Director General of Magazines
Director General of New Businesses
Graduate in Business and Administration, specialising in strategy management, of the Universidad de Deusto, ESTE.
1999: ARTHUR ANDERSEN, Team head in audit and consulting division
2004: EL DIARIO VASCO, Head of advertising for group media
2004: EL DIARIO VASCO, Manager of CM Gipuzkoa, sales company for El Diario Vasco
2016: EL DIARIO VASCO, Business Director
2017: VOCENTO, Director General of Gastronomy
2020 – VOCENTO. Director General of New Businesses
General Director of Advertising
Graduate in Marketing, Advertising and PR from ICM Escuela Marketing Zaragoza.
Master’s in Marketing and Sales Management, CESTE & Club Marketing Zaragoza
PDD and PADE from IESE Business School. Universidad de Navarra
1995 GRUPO LA ZARAGOZANA: Product Manager.
1998 PUBLIESPAÑA: Account Executive.
2001 HERALDO DE ARAGÓN: Commercial Director
2008 CMVOCENTO: Commercial Director, Regional Press.
2011 CMVOCENTO: General Director of Advertising.
She is a graduate in economics and business from the Universidad de Cantabria and is an economics graduate of the University of London. She holds a Master’s in Philosophy and Economics from the University of Cambridge and an MBA from Harvard Business School. From 1996 to 1997 she was a senior investment banking analyst at Morgan Stanley in New York, London and São Paulo. She worked at Boston Consulting from 2001 to 2017 and was appointed partner in the financial services area. From 2017 to 2019 she was director of EMEA Strategy and Global Business Model Innovation at eBay. In 2019, she was appointed VP Strategy & Transformation, Global Markets at eBay. In January 2020 she became global VP of Strategy and Customer Insights.
Chairman of the Board of Directors of Vocento, S.A. and Director of Euroespes, S.A. He holds a degree in Economics and Business from the Universidad Comercial de Deusto, a Management Training Program from Manufactures Hanover Trust NY and a Digital Business Executive Program from ISDI. From 2006 to 2016 he was responsible for BBVA’s Global Transactional Services Unit, having held since 1998 other positions such as Director of the Financial Institutions Unit, Business Director of Wholesale Banking America and Director of the Global Clients Unit. Between 1989 and 1998 he worked in the corporate banking and credit department of MHT (merged in that period with Chemical Bank and The Chase Manhattan Bank). Director of BBVA Banco Depositario until 2016, IFC “Int´l Finance Conference” until 2014, Prensa Malagueña until 2013, La Verdad de Murcia until 2013, BAFT “European Banking Association for Finance & Trade” until 2011 and EBA “European Banking Association” until 2006.
Degree in Computer Science from the University of Deusto, MBA from EOI and PDD from IESE. Currently General Manager of the Global Business Services division of IBM for Spain, Portugal, Greece and Israel.
Throughout his professional career at IBM, he has held various executive positions, being General Manager of the Global Technology Services division in the Middle East and Africa (2016-2018), IBM Country Manager in Turkey (2013-2015), and previously as Director of the Telco & Media sector for Central & Eastern Europe, and as Public Sector Manager for Spain, Portugal, Greece and Israel.
In addition, Isabel has extensive experience in transformation projects acquired in different sectors such as Telco & Media, Government, Health and Banking, in clients in different geographies.
A graduate in Company Management and Administration from ESADE, with a PADE from IESE. Also a certified Chartered Accountant.
Since 2016, she has been Independent Director at Caixabank, Chairwoman of the Audit and Control Committee and a member of the Risks Committee.
From 2015 to 2017, she was Independent Director at NH Hotel Group, Chairwoman of the Audit and Control Committee and member of the Appointments, Remuneration and Corporate Governance Committee.
She began her career at Arthur Andersen, where she worked for 20 years and where in 1993 she was appointed partner in the audit division.
In 2001 she assumed the responsibility for the General Corporate Management of Occidental Hotels & Resorts, an international hospitality group, where she was in charge of finance, administration, management control, information systems and human resources.
She was Director General of Renta Corporación, a real estate company specialising in the acquisition, renovation and sale of properties.
Since 2005 she has been a shareholder and director of 2005 KP Inversiones, S.L., which is dedicated to corporate investment and management consultancy.
Law degree from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Corporate law specialisation from the Centro de Estudios Tributario y Económicos de Madrid, and Senior Management Course (PADE) from IESE (Universidad de Navarra)
1975-2018: Lawyer at the Illustrious College of Lawyers of Madrid
1975-1978: Member of the Legal Department and Secretariat at the Banco de Fomento
1979-1981: Legal adviser at Corporación Bancaria S.A. Held the positions of Secretary to the Board and Legal Adviser at Banco Meridional, Secretary to the Board, Legal Adviser and Head of Advisory at Banco de Granada, Secretary to the Board, Legal Adviser and Head of Advisory at Banco de Crédito Comercial. Also Director at various companies with shareholdings of these banks in sectors including real estate, furniture, textile, services, insurance and financial services, with legal and executive responsibilities.
1981-1987: Legal adviser at deposit guarantee funds at various banks. Also Chairman of the Board of Directors at Banco de Barcelona and Director at the Banco de Descuento, S.A. and the Banco de Expansión Industrial
1987-2006: Founding partner of law firm Mochales & Palacios
1990-2006: External legal adviser
1999-2013: Secretary to the Board of Directors of Vocento, S.A. and Executive Committee
2005-2016: Secretary to the Board of Directors and legal adviser at Compañía Vinícola del Norte de España, S.A. and significant subsidiaries
2006-2013: Secretary of the Appointments and Remuneration Committee and the Audit and Compliance Committee and Head of the Corporate Compliance Unit at Vocento
2007-2008: Global Senior Partner at SIMMONS&SIMMONS
2011-currently: Life sponsor of the Miguel Delibes Foundation
Other Positions
Has been Secretary to the Boards of Directors of the following Vocento subsidiaries:: Diario ABC, S.L., Diario El Correo, S.A., Sociedad Vascongada de Publicaciones, S.A., El Norte de Castilla, S.A. and others.
Currently: Chairman of the special public committee for the Miguel Delibes centenary
Director and Secretary at MAEMALBE, S.L.
Director de Auditoría Interna
Doctor en Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, Máster en Dirección Financiera y Control por el Instituto de Empresa y postgrado del Programa de Dirección General del IESE.
Su relación con Vocento se remonta a 1985, cuando se incorporó a la compañía como responsable de impuestos de ABC. Permaneció en el periódico como Director de Control de Gestión hasta 1997, cuando fue nombrado Director Gerente de Prensa Española General de Revistas. En el año 2000 asumió el cargo de Director de Planificación, Control de Gestión y Auditoría Interna de ABC. En este periodo fue Consejero de Europroducciones. Posteriormente desempeñó el cargo de Director Financiero de Vocento hasta 2004, cuando fue nombrado para su posición actual.
Es miembro del Comité Directivo del Instituto de Auditores Internos de España.
Director General de Comunicación y Relaciones Institucionales
Óscar Campillo es licenciado en Ciencias de la Información por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y tiene una amplísima experiencia y conocimiento de los medios de comunicación regionales y nacionales. Ha desarrollado su carrera periodística y de gestión tanto en la prensa escrita (Diario de León, La Crónica de León, Diario 16, El Mundo de Castilla y León y MARCA), como on line (marca.com) y en radio y televisión (RTVCyL y Radio Marca).
Se incorpora a Vocento como director general de Comunicación y Relaciones Institucionales del Grupo, área que engloba las actuales direcciones de Comunicación y Relaciones Externas de la compañía, tras su paso por la dirección del grupo MARCA (diario MARCA, marca.com y Radio MARCA) a donde llegó en 2011 desde la dirección general de Radio Televisión de Castilla y León (RTVCyL), medio del que fue cofundador y que contaba con un modelo de titularidad privada inédito en España.
Campillo ha compaginado su trayectoria profesional con la participación como tertuliano en Los Desayunos de TVE, columnista de La Rebotica y es autor de la primera biografía del secretario general del PSOE, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, titulada “Zapatero” y la reedición “Zapatero, presidente a la primera”. Es, además, autor de multitud de prólogos, columnas periodísticas y conferencias.
Chief Financial Officer
Graduate in Law and Business Administration from the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas (ICADE E-3) and Executive MBA from IESE.
1986 CHASE MANHATTAN BANK – Analyst in the Corporate Finance department.
1989 JP MORGAN – Associate and then Vice President in the investment banking and capital markets departments (Madrid and London).
2002 JPMORGAN – Managing Director responsible for Mergers & Acquisitions in Spain and Portugal.
2009 3ANGLE CAPITAL – Founding partner; financial consultancy present in Spain, Portugal and Latin America.
A graduate in Economics and Business Studies from the Colegio Universitario de Estudios Financieros (CUNEF) in Madrid, he also attended the General Management Program at IESE. His professional experience includes working in the Audit department of KPMG, the Corporate Finance department of PWC, and various positions in the finance department of Grupo Recoletos; controller of the Internet business area, controller of subsidiaries, head of new developments, Chief Financial Officer of Económica SGPS, and Director of the Planning and Financial Analysis Department of the group. He has been Chief Financial Officer of FDI Internet&Mobile and is currently the CFO of Mobile Dreams Factory.
Other Positions
Member of the Institute of Certified Account Auditors of Spain.
Es Ingeniero de Caminos, Canales y Puertos. Inició su carrera en Estados Unidos en la firma de ingeniería y construcción Bechtel donde ha ocupado diversos puestos de responsabilidad en Estados Unidos, Inglaterra y España. Ha sido Director de Expansión Internacional de Iberdrola y presidente de Enel Viesgo.
Es también miembro de los consejos de administración de OMEL, S.A, OMIP SGPS, S.A. y del Consejo de Supervisión de E.ON New Build and Technology GmbH. Es Presidente del Consejo Rector de la Asociación para el Progreso de la Dirección de Cantabria (APD) y del Círculo Hispano-Alemán, así como miembro del Patronato de la Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo (UIMP), IEFE Bocconi de Milán y de la Escuela Superior de Música Reina Sofía.
Es licenciado en Derecho por la Universidad de Navarra, realizó sus estudios de postgrado en Administración de Empresas en la Universidad de Deusto y en la Universidad de California del Sur (USC) becado por la Fundación Del Amo. Además es Diplomado en el Programa PADE por el IESE Business School (España). Actualmente es presidente de Elecnor donde comenzó su carrera profesional en 1981.
Es miembro del Círculo de Empresarios, del Consejo Asesor del BBVA de la zona Norte y, entre 2002 y 2004 fue Presidente de ADEMI (Asociación de empresas de montajes industriales).
Otros cargos
Presidente de Elecnor, S.A.
Vocal de Enerfin Sociedad de Energía, S.L. (Grupo Elecnor).
Presidente de Aplicaciones Técnicas de la Energía, S.L. (Grupo Elecnor).
Vocal de Celeo Concesiones e Inversiones, S.L.U. (Grupo Elecnor).
Presidente Fundación Elecnor (Grupo Elecnor).
Holds a degree in Economics and Business from the Universidad Comercial de Deusto. He is currently Chairman of Vidrala, and has led the expansion of the company into Portugal, Belgium, Ireland, the UK and other markets. He has also held roles at BBVA and forms or has formed part of the boards of Talleres de Amurrio , Amurrio Ferrocarril y Equipos, Argón, Compañí¬a Nacional de Oxí¬gen, Fiseat, and others.
Holds a degree in Economics and Political Science from Yale University and an MBA from the Instituto de Empresa in Madrid. Since 2010 he has been Chairman of the Board of ArcelorMittal España, where he has held various senior positions. Urquijo is a director of FERTIBERIA, the Chairman of Spanish metal federation UNESID, Chairman of Fundación Hesperia and a member of the board and executive committee of the Fundación Princesa de Asturias.
Holds a degree in Economics and Business from Hogeschool Zeeland (the Netherlands), an MBA from the European Business School and an EMBA from the Universidad de Navarra-IESE. He is currently a director of Grupo Heraldo. De Yarza has worked at Telefónica-Terra in management control and content purchasing and was Director General of Dasa-Logística Editorial. He is currently Chairman of Taller lenride Editores, SA, Chairman of the European publishers’ association News Media Europe (NME) and a member of the Committee of the Spanish newspaper publishers’ association (AEDE).
Carlos Pazos is the founder and managing partner of King & Wood Mallesons SJ Berwin in Madrid. He has been a member of the Ilustre Colegio de Abogados of Madrid since 1988. He holds a degree in law from the Universidad Complutense of Madrid, a Master’s in High European Studies from the College of Europe in Bruges, Belgium and a Master’s in International Business Law from the London School of Economics, with honours.
He is a specialist in company law, mergers and acquisitions and private equity. He has authored and co-authored various books, including The Legal System of the Private European Unit Account, (Instituto de Estudios Económicos, Madrid 1990), Spanish Business Law (Telecommunications), (Butterworths, London 1992), and a book in honour of Alfredo Sánchez-Bella Carswell, Perspectivas Jurídicas Actuales. In addition, he was the founder and editor of the magazine “Derecho de los negocios” (la Ley, Madrid). Carlos has been the company secretary and/or legal advisor to numerous companies and has provided legal advice on corporate matters and corporate governance to both Spanish and foreign listed companies.
As a senior partner at King & Wood Mallesons SJ Berwin, Pablo specialises in company law and mergers and acquisitions, advising domestic and international clients in all types of transactions, particularly in transactions involving private equity, energy and infrastructure. He is also an expert in providing legal advice to companies and in corporate restructuring, and has supported the record-keeping of secretaries of the Board in various Spanish and multinational groups. In addition, he has held the position of Secretary or Deputy Secretary in several companies and has often provided legal advice to listed companies on matters of company law and securities market legislation.
Pablo graduated in Law from the Universidad Pontifica de Comillas (ICADE) in 2001. He completed his academic education with a research project on cross-border mergers at the European Law Research Center of the Law Department of the University of Harvard in 2006. He has been a member of the Ilustre Colegio de Abogados of Madrid since 2002.
Director General of Regional Media, South Zone
Graduate in Psychology. (Univ. Navarra and Valencia)
Master’s in Sociology (Univ. Zaragoza and Univ. Toulouse)
1983 – TEOT (Técnicos organización trabajo): HR and organisational consultant, director of consulting.
1989 – IOR (Organisational Engineers): Director of Consulting.
1993- ENACO: Director General.
2002 – GRUPO VALLS: Director General.
2004 – ANDIMAC: Chairman of Association of Distributors of Construction Materials.
2004 – IBERGROUP: Executive director.
2009 – LAS PROVINCIAS: Director General.
2011 – VOCENTO: Director General of Regional Media, South Zone.