

Vocento’s mission, centred on freedom of expression and support for fundamental human rights and public liberties, is to contribute to improving society by obtaining and publishing accurate information and free, plural and independent opinions, and other activities directly or indirectly related to these.


To be a leading media company in Spain, a profitable company committed to:


Investing in the technological development needed to deliver our readers with accurate and objective information as well as products and services for leisure and entertainment, in all current and future media vehicles.


Creating the conditions needed for their personal and professional development in order to encourage their commitment to Vocento’s Mission.


Providing high quality media vehicles and enabling advertisers to partner with our media to benefit from their positive brand attributes.


Maintaining shareholder support with ethical behaviour, guaranteeing the sustainability of the company and creating value for their investments.

Vocento recognises that its impact extends beyond its own business operations and has assumed principles for responsible action in the following areas:


We contribute to and participate actively in community development by carrying out social actions and by leveraging our regional presence.


We comply fully and responsibly with all the legal and fiscal commitments that society requires of us.


We have adopted a ‘good neighbour’ commitment to society and to the planet.




Protection of freedom of expression and plurality

Management excellence

Sustainability Policy

At Vocento we believe in creating sustainable value and in respecting the legitimate interests of our shareholders and investors, readers, advertisers, employers and suppliers. 

Equality and non-discrimination Policy

Summarises Vocento’s management focus on the issues of equality and non-discrimination, as well as our principles, concerns and targets in these areas, going beyond mere compliance with current legislation and regulations.

Environmental Policy

The creation of sustainable value is based on respect for the environment at all Vocento’s operations and activities. This document summarises the group’s management focus on the environment and our principles, concerns and targets in the environmental area.

Purchasing Policy

Its purpose is to establish an identifiable and effective management model for the procurement of goods and services in accordance with the ethical, social, quality and environmental requirements established by Vocento.

Code of Ethics

In November 2014, we approved our Code of Ethics. The Code establishes the principles and norms needed to ensure our commitment to transparency, good governance, responsibility, independence and reputation, in accordance with socially accepted ethical standards.

Code of for suppliers

At Vocento we have published this Code for our suppliers as part of our responsibility to influence the supply chain and ensure that the principles of sustainability and responsibility are observed by suppliers of goods and services.

Journalistic and Editorial Commitments :

Vocento is committed to its readers and to the society that it serves, as reflected in its content, its editorial positioning and in the journalistic principles laid down in the Vocento Style Guide, which must be complied with across the company.

Vocento’s commitment to responsible advertising

At Vocento, we believe in responsible advertising, reflecting our commitment to
a society that we have been serving for more than 100 years, and in accordance
with our values, our Code of Ethics and our Corporate Social Responsibility

Sustainability Reports

At Vocento, we understand that the best way of ensuring the success of our approach is to be transparent. Each year we publish a sustainability report that includes relevant information about our activities and key data, as well as our organisation and governance, our management of responsibility and sustainability, and our relationships with strategic stakeholders.