Our history consists of many stories

Vocento was born in 2002 with the merger of Grupo Correo and Prensa Española. But while Vocento is a young company, you have to go back to 1854 to find the beginnings of our history and the launch of our oldest newspaper.



In the same year that Kandinsky painted his first abstract watercolour, Bilbao witnessed the launch of El Pueblo Vasco, a newspaper founded by the Ybarra brothers which was the start of what was to become Grupo Correo. The year was 1910. The publication was one of a series of important local newspapers in the vanguard of intellectual and cultural change in Spain. Today, many of those newspapers are more than 100 years old and form part of Vocento.


Later, also in Bilbao and in the turbulent year of 1938, El Pueblo Vasco merged with El Correo Español to form El Correo Español-El Pueblo Vasco.


They then created Bilbao Editorial S.A. (1945) with the partners of El Noticiero Bilbaíno and in 1948 acquired El Diario Vasco. This company would become Grupo Correo and embark on a long history of alliances and acquisitions, from the 1980s acquiring a series of historic regional newspapers: El Norte de Castilla (founded in 1856), Las Provincias (1866), El Comercio (1878), La Rioja (1889), El Diario Montañés (1902), La Verdad (1903), Ideal (1932), Hoy (1933), Sur (1937) and our youngest newspaper la Voz de Cádiz (2004).


As you can see, we have come a long way in more than 110 years of history.


Meanwhile in 1891, Don Torcuato Luca de Tena launched the newspaper Blanco y Negro. In 1903 he published the first issue of ABC. Both publications formed part of Prensa Española. This weekly publication “of universal information”, which became a daily newspaper in 1905, started its life with a vocation to be “an independent, impartial newspaper, believing the printed media to be the best form of expressing reality to the public and aiming to give voice to the most authoritative opinions from all branches of human knowledge.”


The merger of Grupo Correo and Prensa Española.
The birth of Vocento.

By now you will realise what we mean when we say that the history of Vocento is a history of many stories. It is a history, above all, of people. At Vocento we take special pride in the work of all our professionals and all our journalists.

Legendary contributorss

Emilia Pardo Bazán (1851-1921, ABC)

Sofía Casanova (1861-1958, ABC)

Miguel de Unamuno (1864-1936, El Pueblo Vasco)

Valle Inclán (1866-1936, ABC)

Azorín (1873-1967, ABC)

Julio Camba (1884-1962, ABC)

Miguel Hernández (1910-1942, La Verdad de Murcia)

Camilo José Cela (1916-2002, ABC)

Antonio Mingote (1919-2012, ABC)

Miguel Delibes (1920-2010, El Norte de Castilla)

Torcuato Luca de Tena (1923-1999, ABC)

Francisco Umbral (1932-2007, El Norte de Castilla)

Manuel Martín Ferrand (1940-2013, ABC)

Luis del Olmo Alonso “Olmo”

Reporters and columnists

Antonio Soler

Arantza Furundarena

Arturo Pérez Reverte

Carlos Herrera

Carmen Posadas

Edurne Portela

Felipe Benitez

Ignacio Camacho

Isabel San Sebastián

John Müller

José Maria de Areilza

José María Nieto “JM Nieto”

Juan Carlos Viloria

Juan Manuel de Prada 

Lorenzo Silva

Mercedes Gallego

Mikel Ayestarán

Rosa Belmonte

Rosa Palo

Pedro García Cuartango

Karina Sainz Borgo

José F. Peláez